Develop a secure and reliable end - to - end technological model to ensure not only fair, transparent and cost effective procurement processes, but also develop, maintain and continuously update a data analytics platform needed to support strategic decisions towards public expenditure reduction and optimization.
It is believed that implementation of this will allow it to pursue its mission along three key strategic dimensions:
Key issue:
Need of integration of information across various Procurement Giants.
Need of Standardization for monitoring performance Indicators.
- • To assess the quantum of saving after moving to electronic platform
- • Through completely transparent, rigorous and efficient procurement processes
- • Providing a better service for all stakeholders, achieving their buyin and contribution, alongside a fundamental cultural change in the Public Administration

• The primary objective of the portal is to provide a single point access to the information on procurements made across various Ministries and the line Departments.
• One stop shop for all activities for all GOI Policies/ Standards/ Guidelines / Orders, etc. on public procurement.
• Integration of information across various Procurement Giants .
• Standardization for monitoring performance Indicators.